Wednesday, April 29, 2009

European Initiative

Summary 3

Q1: The Summary

The European Union has made a government program. 27 countries committed themselves to an agreement to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and there would be flexibility in dealing with some countries that rely on nuclear energy, e.g. France
Therefore, all the power stations in Europe should store carbon to eliminate carbon emissions. The plan also includes the carbon emitted by cars and therefore there will be a new program to urge the abandonment of fossil fuels.
Certainly there would be difficulties; renewable energy is too expensive; add to that, the problems faced by EU companies, facing competition from Indian, Chinese and US companies which are still using cheaper fossil fuels.
It is a bold step and was considered a useful step forward in the European Union which was fully convinced that there should be a change. The European Union was established to provide assistance because it can not be one country alone.
Germany has played a pivotal role in the European Union for the intermediate solutions and French then introduced more flexible solutions.

Q2: The Main idea

The European continent is the best in the world for the prevention of emissions; through the efforts shown by the EU there is awareness all over the world.

Q3: Comments

This is an amazing long article; it is talking about very important things in life. I am interested in this article and I hope to know more and more about the new UN plan.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My carbon footprint

I measured my carbon footprint at & it was 2.59.

Most of the students have almost a similar footprint number. The average figure for CRE was 3.87. The main factors which contributed to my figure were classified as:

a) travel

b) stuff

c) food

Admitting the truth, I am, in a way, personally responsible for allowing the emission of a specific greenhouse gas that has a huge impact upon our world; the world of humans. True, a lot of companies, which include ADMC, emit such gases (footprint greenhouse gases), though UAE’s emission of such gases is the highest per head.

If I could reduce the harm I personally cause, then I would reduce using consumer goods and bathroom products. However, the problem is I don’t spend in any of the two mentioned sectors. In fact, the sector that contributes most to the addition of the gases is the car that I daily use. I can simply switch to using trains, but the problem is, trains are not available in Abu Dhabi, yet. I do realize the fact that public buses are available, but anyway, why would I use them when the distance from where I live at to my work takes only a few minutes? Not only this, but because I’ve realized that those public buses that millions use, daily, emit even more dangerous gases that harm the environment, by pollution. As to my personal use of airplanes, I only travel once a year.

However, this raises an important point, when I come to talk of the home I live in. In Bani Yas I currently live with my parents, so there’s nothing much I can do reduce the footprint of the harm I cause, except for turning off the durable goods, which I’m already doing.

Last but not least, my consumption of food can also play an important role to reduce my carbon footprint. As the quiz clearly stated, if I become a vegetarian, I would be considered as a person who lends a hand to the environment. However, I eat two meals a day, in order not to over consume food more than the quantity I am supposed to consume.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth Reviw

There are a lot of reviews that talk about the Inconvenient Truth movie. Most of these reviews agree with it but some others do not.

Brandon Fibbs, , in a favorable review, Brandon says Al Gore’s movie is correct. People all around the world agree that global warming already exists and everyone must work to stop this global warming. Al Gore used several ways to persuade the people who are not sure such as photos, short clips and charts. The film is not pessimistic, but it presents a realistic problem. To add to this, the movie discussed in the end, the solutions which can save the earth.

Eric,, in a more negative review, says that the movie is talking about Al Gore much more than the global warming. The film dealt with something far away from the main point of the film such as when he talks about political points.

I agree with Brandon Fibbs because the global warming is really a big problem and we have to be more and more careful about it. I think that the movie was not enough, but it should be said to have contributed to raising awareness for global warming. The last thing I want to say about the movie is the photos are so shocking

Climate Change